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Close up of a handshake
The importance of workplace respect

In today’s energetic and evolving work landscape, fostering an environment of respect in the workplace is essential. Workplace respect is more than just a catchword; it is the foundation of

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Person sprays water on plants in a greenhouse
Lauren Baer: July update

Since the last newsletter in May, it seems as if the world has changed again and that the headwinds against diversity, equity, and inclusion work continue to mount and grow

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Various vegetables on a table
Lauren Baer: May update

For many people, May is a month of transition. Universities are winding down the semester, students are graduating with excitement about their next steps and future, K-12 students and their families are engaged in a busy month of activities and celebrations before transitioning to summer schedules, and spring is turning into summer.

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Cherries in cardboard cartons
Lauren Baer: April update

That’s a wrap! (For the moment…) The Together We Grow Connect Conference and 2023 Annual Meeting brought together 70 people across industry, higher education, NGOs, and government.

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Carrots with soil on them
Lauren Baer: March update

In less than one month we will be in Atlanta, Ga., for TWG’s Connect Conference and 2023 Annual Meeting! We are looking forward to being in-person for this event, for

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Crops growing in soil
Lauren Baer: February update

TWG has a lot in the works at the start of this new year! This month’s newsletter is chock full of updates and information, and I encourage you to review

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Above ground irrigator
Lauren Baer: January update

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that it is 2023 — and yet I have had no trouble writing the correct date on documents since approximately Jan. 3 (possibly the earliest date I have achieved this in my lifetime).

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Cornigami logo
Getting REEL about social!

It has been an amazing time at Together We Grow from a social media perspective. As trends continue to change, we are grateful for our partners, members, and active social participants that work with us to create new and fresh content critical to reach audiences and connect them to agriculture, food and the opportunities in this sector.

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Close up of wheat in a field
Lauren Baer: October update

$900,000! For an individual, this is a life changing amount of money. And yet, this is the monetary impact to the average Black woman over the course of her lifetime

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Person sprays water on plants in a greenhouse
Lauren Baer: September update

“Where have all the people gone?” I have continued to get this question that I’m sure you have asked – or been asked – related to workforce shortages. In our organizations we feel it daily. A recent article from Fortune caught my eye.

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Various vegetables on a table
Lauren Baer: August update

For many people, August is a time of transition. Students are preparing to return to school, teachers and professors are preparing to welcome students and facilitate their growth during this

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Cherries in cardboard cartons
Lauren Baer: July update

As a high schooler, I ran track and field. I typically ran independent events – such as the 1- and 2-mile – that depended solely on my efforts in the race and on my own investment in training.

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Close up of wheat in a field
Kristin Kirkpatrick: December message

2021. Whew! It’s been a year. You’ll see evidence of some of my favorite Together We Grow highlights further below in this newsletter, but in the meantime here are a few of my favorites.

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Various vegetables on a table
Kristin Kirkpatrick: September message

I love this time of year. For starters, my kids are back in school. While I hold my breath to see how long that may remain, I am grateful to have some sense of normalcy (and a significantly quieter house while we continue to work from home).

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Crops growing in soil
Kristin Kirkpatrick: May message

Where I live, in Colorado, the trees have begun to bloom, the grass has finally greened, and after a season of storms and confinement, it does feel that the world is opening, if even a little bit, sowing seeds of hope.

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Various vegetables on a table
Kristin Kirkpatrick: October message

The fire to the west of my home in Fort Collins continues to ravage the mountainous playground that we all love, the places where we connect with something bigger than ourselves, where we find peace and respite.

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Carrots with soil on them
Kristin Kirkpatrick: August message

I always think the month of August brings an energy of excitement, with final trips and outings as summer’s days become fleeting and more precious than they were just months before.

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Crops growing in soil
Kristin Kirkpatrick: July message

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about quantum changes, because it appears they are happening everywhere I look. In psychology research, a quantum change is a sudden, dramatic, and enduring transformation that affects a broad range of personal emotion, cognition, and behavior.

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Above ground irrigator
Kristin Kirkpatrick: June message

In my garden, the seeds we planted weeks ago have sprouted, growing every day, responding to the attention of my three children. Growing, unaware of the soul-level unrest that thrums across our country.

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Inside of a greenhouse
Kristin Kirkpatrick: April message

Wherever you find yourself consuming this newsletter, I hope it finds you and your teams well – and that your strategies to adapt to the current reality are keeping your stakeholders healthy and able to engage in the work the world needs.

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