Together We Grow is on an exciting journey! These are some of the upcoming happenings you don’t want to miss:
- The TWG Connect Conference and 2023 Annual Meeting will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. (in-person!), in April ahead of the MANRRS 2023 Annual Conference (yes, you can attend both with one plane ticket).
- TWG is preparing to launch a strategic planning process to support increased value, clarity, and impact.
- Working groups are ramping up with shared learnings, timely topics, and expert perspectives.
- Partnerships on social media are proving to increase our reach and engagement with new audiences. Read the features below for more information!
In the few months that I have been with Together We Grow, I have found that the members of this organization are truly invested in making progress toward building a diverse, inclusive, and skilled workforce for agriculture and food. TWG will be seeking member feedback in the coming months to cultivate the future of this organization, and we encourage you to engage in the process when opportunities arise. We want you to be a part of formulating our direction with your voice and perspective. We will make great impact, but we cannot do it without you!
Lauren Baer
Executive Director, Together We Grow
This message was included in Together We Grow’s November newsletter. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter.