TWG has a lot in the works at the start of this new year! This month’s newsletter is chock full of updates and information, and I encourage you to review to keep up to date on everything that is happening with the organization. Among all the efforts occurring this year, I am thrilled to be working on a formal strategic planning process. We are dedicating time with a board-nominated Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) to address TWG’s strategies, goals, and objectives to make progress as an organization and add greater value to members, the workforce, and the sector.
The SPC is comprised of leaders in agriculture, food, DEI, workforce development, HR, and more, with diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and knowledge about these areas of work. A primary foundation of this process includes stakeholder feedback, and we look forward to engaging with you and understanding your perspective over the next two months as we think about the future of TWG. Attendees at the TWG Connect Conference and Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Ga., will also engage with TWG and the SPC related to the organization’s strategy — we look forward to your participation in person, as well.

Better together!
Lauren Baer, Executive Director
Together We Grow
This message was included in Together We Grow’s February newsletter. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter.