Name: Imani Ruffin
Title & Organization: Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (ID&E) Consultant at Corteva Agriscience
What is your background and how did you find your way into the agricultural and food sector?
My background is in English, actually. But, I found my to agriculture through a friend of mine who sang Corteva’s praises. I was interested in hearing more about it because it seems like something I’d be interested in. I haven’t looked back. It is truly an industry that is extremely diverse.
Why is diversity important to you and your organization?
Agriculture is a beautifully unique organization. The expansiveness of it and how it spans across the world and touches different cultures and people… We understand that at Corteva. Our mission in this space is to boldly embrace the power of inclusion, diversity, and equity to enrich the lives of our employees and strengthen the performance of our company, while advancing equity in agriculture.
What current diversity initiatives do you have planned or ongoing at your organization?
We have a ton of work happening in this space, which is great. Our initiatives are around recruiting and retention and ensuring we are reaching the right talent to bring in and keep at Corteva.
In your opinion, what is the most exciting thing happening in the sector currently?
From my diversity lens, it’s building the awareness of what agriculture is and the makeup of it — the people.
What is your vision for the future of agriculture and food?
My vision for agriculture and food is that there will be equal access to it. My hope is that, by building intentional awareness, we can truly help change the face of agriculture.
Is there anything else you would like people to know about your organization or the agricultural and food sector?
Agriculture is connected to everyone who eats, and it is the language of our world!