Kristin Kirkpatrick: August message

Carrots with soil on them

I always think the month of August brings an energy of excitement, with final trips and outings as summer’s days become fleeting and more precious than they were just months before.

Kristin Kirkpatrick: July message

Crops growing in soil

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about quantum changes, because it appears they are happening everywhere I look. In psychology research, a quantum change is a sudden, dramatic, and enduring transformation that affects a broad range of personal emotion, cognition, and behavior.

Kristin Kirkpatrick: June message

Above ground irrigator

In my garden, the seeds we planted weeks ago have sprouted, growing every day, responding to the attention of my three children. Growing, unaware of the soul-level unrest that thrums across our country.

Kristin Kirkpatrick: April message

Inside of a greenhouse

Wherever you find yourself consuming this newsletter, I hope it finds you and your teams well – and that your strategies to adapt to the current reality are keeping your stakeholders healthy and able to engage in the work the world needs.